There will be a Candidate Forum for the Morgan County RE-3 School Board and the City of Fort Morgan City Council positions, which will be held on Thursday, October 12th, at 6pm at City Hall at 110 Main Street in Fort Morgan. The room opens at 5:30pm, and all members of the public are invited to attend, just enter City Hall through the front door, and either take the stairs to the 2nd floor meeting room, or there is elevator access as well. The forum will take place over a 2-hour timeframe, and will start at 6pm, with the first hour dedicated to questions for the School Board candidates, & the 2nd hour devoted to asking questions to the City Council candidates. All candidates will be present, whether they are opposed or not, and there will be about a 10 minute break, in between the 2 question periods.
For those who cannot attend, there are 2 ways to watch this from home, via your computer. To attend on ZOOM, go to, or view on Youtube, go to If you have a question to ask either the school board candidates, or the City Council candidates, you can submit those questions to Please include your name, and address (optional), and make your question brief, and specific to which group you are asking that question of. (School Board or City Council) Questions need to be submitted by 11am on Thursday, October 12th. Members of the local media outlets will be asking the questions.