-Chief Tyson Kerr, Sterling Police Department
The Sterling Police Department wishes everyone a safe and happy 4th of July this upcoming weekend. Regulations and safety tips are offered below to help prevent illegal use and unnecessary injury to those who choose to celebrate the holiday with their own fireworks. The Sterling Police Department recommends you leave the fireworks to the professionals and attend the City of Sterling Fireworks Display on Thursday,
July 4th . Please celebrate the holiday responsibly, so everyone has a safe and enjoyable weekend.
What are Permissible Fireworks?
Cylindrical or cone fountains, wheels and ground spinners, illuminating torches and colored fire, dipped sticks and sparklers, toy propellant or toy smoke devices, trick noise makers and snake or glow worms are all
What are Illegal Fireworks?
Any devices or components that, when used or ignited, project or disburse any metal, glass, or brittle plastic fragments. Cherry bombs, roman candles, firecrackers, bottle rockets, shells and rockets, M-80s and M-100s, and helicopters are all examples of illegal fireworks.
A good rule of thumb: anything that explodes or leaves the ground is most likely illegal in Colorado.
What's the Penalty?
Any person who violates the laws and City of Sterling Ordinance regarding the use of fireworks is subject to a summons with a mandatory court appearance and could face up to $999 in fines, 90 days in jail, or both.
There are stricter misdemeanor or felony penalties for the reckless use of fireworks, property damage, or injury resulting from the use of fireworks.For example, the use of fireworks could result in criminal charges including arson, criminal mischief, reckless endangerment and civil penalties for damage or injuries caused.
Tips for Safe Fireworks Use:
Always read and follow label instructions
Have an adult present when children are involved
Use outdoors only
Always have water and a fire extinguisher available
Never experiment with or make your own fireworks
Never give fireworks to small children
Never throw or point fireworks at other people or pets
Always wear eye protection and gloves
Protect Your Pets:
More dogs get lost around July 4th than any other time of the year. Keep your pets properly confined to avoid escape due to fear of fireworks. Have your dog's license andidentification up to date in the event your pet does escape.