August 2nd-
During this past week, the Sterling Police Department in a coordinated effort with the 13 th Judicial District Attorney’s Office and the Colorado Bureau of Investigations, conducted a Sex Trafficking Sting operation in the City Limits of Sterling. The operation focused on subjects seeking illicit sex acts with underage children.
During the 3-day operation, detectives received interest from subjects as far awayas Utah. Suspects would contact detectives through various forms of media and then negotiate sex acts, costs and locations.
The Sterling Police Department Special Enforcement Team along with SPD patrol officers, teamed up and arrested the following suspects as they arrived at a pre-determined location with the intent of committing sex acts with a minor child:
Jamey Mack 02/10/1970, of Sterling, CO 80751
Soliciting for Child Prostitution CRS 18-7-402 a class 3 Felony
Patronizing a prostituted child CRS 18-7-406 a class 3 Felony
Attempted Sex assault of a child CRS 18-3-405 a class 5 Felony
Rodney Peterson 12/31/1962, of Kilgore, NE
Soliciting for Child Prostitution CRS 18-7-402 a class 3 Felony
Patronizing a prostituted child CRS 18-7-406 a class 3 Felony
Attempted Sex assault of a child CRS 18-3-405 a class 5 Felony
Tavish Saenz-Holtzhauser 05/12/1991 of Sterling, CO 80751
Enticement of a child CRS 18-3-305 a class 4 Felony
Internet Luring of a child CRS 18-3-306 a class 4 Felony
Attempted Sexual Assault of a child CRS 18-3-405 a class 5 Felony
Vehicular Eluding CRS 18-9-116.5 a class 5 Felony
“These arrests should send a clear message to potential offenders that their criminal behavior will have consequences. Victims of sex trafficking pay a price that lasts a lifetime and preying on vulnerable children in our communities will not be tolerated,” said police chief Tyson Kerr.